Become a Legacy Leader

You can support Detroit PBS in a meaningful way with a planned gift.


Legacy Giving Has the Power to Transform Communities

Since our inception in 1955, Detroit PBS has been a beacon of change, enlightenment, and community inspiration . That journey would have been impossible without the dedication of supporters like you. Now, you can make an impact on the future of public television and Detroit’s cultural landscape through planned giving.

The Mission of Legacy Leader Giving

Building Relationships Beyond Screen Time

We value holistic living — family, friends, and varied interests. Extending your legacy builds a vital partnership with us.

Meaningful, Sustainable Engagement Across Generations

By contributing to our endowment fund, you ensure that Detroit PBS’s quality programs continue for generations to come.

The Benefits of Your Legacy Gift

Every legacy journey is unique; please consult your professional advisor on how charitable giving impacts you.
  • Substantial tax savings
  • Greater control over how your gift is allocated, giving you peace of mind
  • Create a legacy to be remembered by future generations

Your First Step Towards Legacy Leadership

How to Give

There are several ways to make your legacy gift to Detroit PBS. Choose the option that works best for you.

What to Give

Detroit PBS happily accepts several types of legacy gifts, from cash to property and more.

Additional Resources

For further guidance and documentation, download the Will or Estate Plan Gift Confirmation Form below.

Download Form

Get In Touch

For all questions about supporting the future of this station through a planned gift, contact our Major Gifts Officer, Malcolm Bondon.